

On your way into the church, you will be greeted by an usher who will welcome you and give you a copy of the service bulletin. Inside you will find information relating to the order of service for the day and announcements. Hymn numbers are also on hymn board at the front of the church.

Once seated in a pew, you will find a copy of the Book of Common Prayer and a hymn book in a rack in front of you.

Quiet time is observed before the service to focus your thoughts and calm your soul in preparation for worship. You may wish to look over the order of service so you can follow along more easily. At 10:30, the organist will start playing the processional hymn and the congregation stands to sing.

Visitors who are baptized are welcome to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Others are welcome to receive a blessing instead.

Worshipers who wish to receive the sacrament will be ushered to the altar. Please kneel with head upright (unless prevented by disability), and cross right hand over left to receive the wafer. To receive a blessing cross your arms over your breast.

After the service, the clergy would love to meet you at the door; and you are invited for coffee in the Parish Hall.

Following Sunday School, children attend church with their parents.


Service Times

8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite I
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II